Cast Applications for 2024 - 2025 Have Been Extended & Are Currently Open

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YouthQuake Live


YouthQuake Live


Reaching a generation

YouthQuake Live exists to partner with our community to inspire young people to fulfill their God-given destiny through life-changing entertainment




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Thanks for a Great Season!

Check Back Later this Summer for Info on Next Years Tour







be sure to follow us on social media for Updates on our shows

Facebook & Instagram:


Thanks for a Great Season!

Check Back Later this Summer for Info on Next Years Tour

YouthQuake Live offers reserved seating for all our events

For this season we waving the fee and offering reserved seats free of charge to help families and youth groups with social distancing.

Reserved seating does not necessarily mean front row. Location of your seats is dependent on the event and the church layout.

Please check-in with the YQL volunteers at the YQL Merch table the night of the event by 7:50pm – seats will be released after this time.

The deadline to reserve seats is Tuesday at 1pm of event week. 

If you have any questions email


Preview Event

YouthQuake Live is Created By Teens To Reach Teens Because We Believe That God Wants To Use Teens While They Are Young!

want to Get Involved?

There are so many ways to be a part of what YQL is doing here in our city and around the world.  Visit our “Get Involved” page to find out more about the areas listed below.

Cast Members

Are you a teenager willing to take a stand for your faith and impact your generation?


We need young adults who are ready to grow in their leadership & make an impact in this world!

youth leaders

Are you a Youth Leader serving on the front lines of reaching this generation?   Youth Leaders are our heroes!  Our heart is to serve you as change lives. 


We know that being a teenager and taking a stand for your faith can be tough in today’s culture.  Here’s some stuff that can help.

YQL Global

Although most people only see YQL as a local outreach, each year we participate in various global initiatives. It is our heart to help young people see the part they have to play in the great commission.

Partner with YQL


God has given us a big vision to inspire teens to make an impact while they are young and live out 1 Tim 4:12 that says… Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. By partnering with us you can help our teens reach their generation.

Today’s teens are being attacked by popular culture like no other generation. Hollywood, the music industry, advertisers, and the mainstream media are winning the battle for the hearts of this generation. Statistics reveal that by the time this generation reaches the age of influence, only 4 % will be Bible-believing Christians. Apathy is not an option. This generation is barreling forward, dismissing truth, consequence, and purpose. We must do something to reach them before it is too late.



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Live show playlist

Promo video

Intern Video

Contact Us


PO Box 2384, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32004